Schistosomiasis: Herbal treatment for parasitic infection
This is an abstract (a short summary) of a study that I have had loitering in my files for a good few years now. It has never been of practical use to me in practice in Christchurch New Zealand but you never know when or where such info might just make a world of difference to someone. Plus it goes to show just how mighty Myrrh really is.
Two hundred and four patients with schistosomiasis (a parasitic infection) were treated with a combination of resin and volatile oil of myrrh (from the stem of Commiphora molmol), at a dose of 10 mg per kg of body weight per day for three days.
Patients who still showed living ova in colonic or rectal mucosal biopsy specimens two months after treatment were given a second course of 10 mg per kg per day for six days, and biopsy specimens were obtained again two months later. The cure rate from the first course of treatment was 91.7%. Re-treatment of patients who did not respond to the first course resulted in a cure rate of 76.5%, increasing the overall cure rate to 98.1%. The treatment was well tolerated; side effects were reported by 11.8% of the patients, but were mild and transient. Twenty patients provided biopsy specimens six months after treatment and none of those showed living ova.
Comment from Study:
Schistosomiasis affects more than 180 million people worldwide. Although early treatment usually produces good results, if not adequately treated it can lead to complications including renal failure, liver damage, heart failure, and seizures. Praziquantel is the drug of choice, but resistance to this drug can occur. The present study indicates that an extract of myrrh is a safe and effective treatment for this common parasitic infection.
Sheir Z, et al. A safe, effective, herbal antischistosomal therapy derived from myrrh.
Am J Trop Med Hyg 2001;65:700-704.
Personal Comment:
I've had a number of people contact me from different parts of the world since posting the above study. I can't treat someone without first meeting them in person but I've been happy to share the information that we worked out that a good 10mls of Myrrh tincture a day was sufficient to reach the kinds of targets described in the trial. Myrrh is a particularly heinous tasting herb so I recommend adding about 10% Licorice extract to it in order for it to palatable. The formula i would suggest is
180 mls Myrrh Tincture
20mls Licorice extract
Take 6 mls twice daily after food.
This would take about a little over two weeks to complete.
With several people with whom I entered into some correspondence I had some very positive feedback from their recommended treatment, (one recent one copied below)
"thank you so much for putting that article up ,because the Myrrh has worked a treat. I saw a lot of the evidence being passed. I did find that it worked best when I held the myrrh in my mouth for 10 seconds before swallowing. I took it for 3 days then had 1 day off and then tried it for another 3 days with holding it in my mouth before swallowing. That seemed to work better. Yuck ,but better than the alternative. The activity beneath my skin died away after the 7days.
I am still bewildered as to why Doctors do not seem to believe the chaos parasites can do to the body. But I just followed my instincts and trusted that I knew my body better than anyone. Articles such as yours were a shining light that gave me such hope. Thank you once again.

Please understand that I cannot personally advise you without seeing you in my clinic.
This living 'book' is my labour of love so, wherever you are, I wish you peace & good health!