Finding a good herbalist
If you pick up any old herbal text, or even just Google ‘warts and herbs’ you will find a veritable smorgasbord of remedies and cures, ranging from the possible all the way to the bizarre!
There are in fact several legitimate herbal strategies as briefly described below but what can be generally recommend, simply because it is so accessible, inexpensive and potentially effective, is to try the technique of 'starving' the wart under duct tape for a few days, more below...
Nearly everything written in this article is entirely suitable for a person to work through themselves but, especially if things are quite bad, or you just know that you need further help, then there may be a great deal of benefit to you to go to whatever lengths necessary to find a good herbalist or truly holistic practitioner to guide you on to a safe and strong treatment program. There's a short write-up to suggest how you might go about finding such a person here
Duct-tape treatment for warts
Several years ago, Dr. Dean Focht, a medical resident at Madigan Army Hospital in Tacoma, Washington, had 51 individuals, who were aged from between 3 to 22, use either standard liquid nitrogen freezing therapy or "duct tape therapy" for wart removal. Of the 25 individuals using duct tape, 85 percent had their warts disappear, usually within a month. In the 26-member liquid nitrogen group, only 60 percent of the warts went away...
The duct tape treatment is very straightforward: simply cut the duct tape to a size that fully covers the wart and stick it on for a good four to six days. You then remove the tape, soak what is left of the wart in water until it softens and buff what's left of it down with an emery board or a piece of pumice.
Give what is left on your skin a chance to breathe for half a day or so as it may just take a little longer to slough off completely but if there is any appreciable amount of wart still left twelve or 24 hours later then re-apply a new piece of duct tape for another few days and repeat the process until the wart has fully disappeared. If you do not notice a very significant improvement, if not an outright cure, from the first treatment then this treatment is not the one for you.
Make sure you get the right material to start with. Duct tape is a little different to other adhesive tapes in the way that it makes a ‘seal’ over what it covers and this is obviously a key to the treatment working. A breathable Band-Aid or other adhesive material will not work instead.

Herbal Strategies for Warts
Tea-tree Oil
The duct-tape treatment does not work for everyone and nor can everyone use it, depending on where the wart or warts are located. In this case the regular application of Tea-tree has also been seen to have a good success rate in eradicating warts.
Tea-tree is a highly potent anti-microbial substance and must be used with care and respect. Start with a low dose and then gradually build it up to be sure your skin can tolerate the Tea-tree in a more concentrated form.
In practical terms this could mean beginning with a 1:10 dilution, i.e. 5 drops of Tea-tree to 50 drops of water, dabbed on the wart and allowed to dry. If you tolerate this with no problems then slowly increase the potency of the treatment by decreasing the amount of water. For example, the next step could be a 1:5 dilution, i.e. 5 drops of Tea-tree to 25 drops of water. Again, if no problems with tenderness or skin reactions then keep making it stronger, e.g. a 1:2 dilution, which is 5 drops of Tea-tree to just 10 drops of water.
Some people will be able to dab a few drops of undiluted Tea-tree oil directly on to their wart with no problems whatsoever but others will eventually find that they start getting a mild rash if they use it too strong and without enough water; proceed with caution and let your body tell you how much Tea-tree it can handle.
The ancient wart-treatment of rubbing a little fresh Celandine sap (from breaking the stems) can also be effective though again it needs to be used with care and caution and you do need to have a fresh Chelidonium majus plant growing in a pot at home, but this is something that should not be hard to get or grow in most parts of the world.
To apply it, you simply break open a stem of the Celandine, as shown below, and rub the yellow sap that is released into the wart once a day for as long as it takes. To be sure you are on the right track take careful note if a) the wart is clearly breaking down little by little and b) your surrounding skin is tolerating the potency of this herb.

Chelidonium majus (Celandine)
Immune Health
Warts are caused by a virus that tends to get its chance to grow because it can get past our immune system’s defences and make itself at home.
If you are keep getting new warts and/or the old ones just never leave then this may be telling you that you need to look at the bigger picture of your immune health in general. If so, read the article on immunity found here

Please understand that I cannot personally advise you without seeing you in my clinic.
This living 'book' is my labour of love so, wherever you are, I wish you peace & good health!